Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fallen off the bandwagon...

OH my gosh, I can't believe how long it has been since I lasted posted on my did this month get away from me!  Well I admit I have fallen off the blogging bandwagon but I am going to make a conscious effort to jump back on!  I have so much to share from the past few weeks!  It has just been insane...I've only slept in my bed 3 nights in the past 2 weeks!  OK where to start...I guess Annie's wedding!  It was an absolutely fabulous weekend (ahh that reminds me I need to write a thank you card to her parents!!).  I would go through a whole recap but my computer is being too slow and won't upload the pics and well...let's face it, no one is going to read without the pics!  So that will have to come later...

Lot's of other updates to report and I promise I am going to REALLY try...although I can't promise because I have 3 papers and 2 exams in the next few weeks but hopefully get excited to hear about: Annie's wedding extravaganza, Thanksgiving with the fam, virtual Christmas cards, Fifi, Cross Street Friday and a few other surprises... can't wait to share them with you!  Until then...have you seen Marcel the shell part 2??  I can't get enough!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday! I started this this morning and then got distracted...whoops!

Hi lovely readers, it's What I'm Loving Wednesday and I am loving a lot of things today!

1. I am loving this children's book that my cousin gave my mom to give to me to look at: A Friend for Einstein - he's the smallest miniature horse, take a look (for more on my love of miniature horses read this post:

2. Only a week until Annie and Tyler get married!!  So excited to see all of my college buddies!!

3.  Only 2 weeks until my sister comes home and all of the holiday festivities begin...uhhhh so many things to look forward to with Thanksgiving, love it!!

last year we had 2 turkeys!

4.  Started my volunteer job today and I think I'm going to LOVE it!!  Very excited!

5.  The weekend is only 2 days away and my cousin and aunt are coming to visit, YAY!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A little inspiration for this Friday

Again, been a little MIA - hope to be back more next week!  Anyway, here's a little inspiration to take you into your weekend, enjoy! ( I hope it works!)