Hi lovely readers, it's What I'm Loving Wednesday and I am loving a lot of things today!
1. I am loving this children's book that my cousin gave my mom to give to me to look at: A Friend for Einstein - he's the smallest miniature horse, take a look (for more on my love of miniature horses read this post:
2. Only a week until Annie and Tyler get married!! So excited to see all of my college buddies!!
3. Only 2 weeks until my sister comes home and all of the holiday festivities begin...uhhhh so many things to look forward to with Thanksgiving, love it!!
last year we had 2 turkeys! |
4. Started my volunteer job today and I think I'm going to LOVE it!! Very excited!
5. The weekend is only 2 days away and my cousin and aunt are coming to visit, YAY!
Did yall deep fry a turkey? SO good!