Well it has been a longgg couple of months with the craziness of graduate school...and I have to say it probably won't settle down for a couple weeks until I hear about where I get an internship for the fall BUT I did finish with my first year of graduate school and I think that calls for a celebration (and a blog post!)
ok so I'm not having that big of a celebration...a girl can dream :)
Anyway, one of my dearest/bestest/oldest friends wrote on my facebook wall the other day that she checks this blog every day just to make sure I hadn't posted so I thought I'd surprise her with a post just. for. her.
As a child she was always the teacher and I was the student...
Yup that would be me...the stuffed bunny |
I was Nellie (the servant girl) while she stole the leading role of Samantha...
As we got older she began to give me a little more power to take charge and the rule the world with her...
No, sadly that is not me as a child...
And somewhere in between we became the best of friends...
After 3 years of living together and many smiles, laughs, tears, dinbat moves, Christmas cards, and roadtrips later I made the leap to grad school and left her in the city where we had (kinda) learned to be adults.
So Ms. Samantha...although I know I'll always be Nellie in your eyes (even though you don't dare admit it), thank you for always being one of my biggest supporters, followers, and friends, not only on this blog but in our 20 some years of friendship. You are the definition of a true friend.